The Drama course offers students an opportunity to develop confidence in communication in individual and group situations. Students achieve Drama outcomes through the key activities of creation, performance and reflection. They explore and communicate ideas and learn particular processes and skills to enable them to work with drama forms, styles, conventions and technologies. Through taking roles and enacting real and imagined events, performers engage audiences. Students reflect, respond and evaluate drama and become critical audiences themselves. Drama caters for a wide range of students in a course which is both practical and fun!
In media courses, students develop skills to make and understand media ranging from traditional forms such as film, photography, newspapers, magazines, comics, radio and television to new and emerging multimedia technologies. They will consider how people, events and issues are represented. They will also create, produce and present their own works in media of their choice to express their ideas using media technologies and practices.
Year 7 – Unit 1: A Night at the Movies
Grab the (metaphorical) popcorn, it's movie time! In this unit, you will design and develop a range of promotional materials for a blockbuster film. You will need to use a variety of technologies to produce a film trailer and movie poster in order to persuade people to see the film. At the end of the unit, we will hold an awards ceremony, "The Lukies" (just like the Logies, only more prestigious), where we will recognise the standout productions.
Year 8 – Unit 1: Deconstructing Reality
Calling all budding film makers! In this unit, you will experiment with a range of fictional and non-fictional film genres. You will don the director's hat and write, film and edit a short documentary film exploring what makes you tick. Then the class will work as a team to film an episode of the classic soap opera "St Luke's Days of Our Lives".
Unit 2: Here Comes the Paparazzi
Fancy yourself as a budding photographer? In this unit, you will experiment with different types of photography in order to find your favourite style. You will show off your skill behind the lens with a portfolio of your best pics. Then you'll develop a range of promotional texts to market yourself as a professional photographer.
Year 9 – Unit 1: The Time of Our Lives
Have you got something to say? Well now's your chance. In this unit, you will use a variety of media texts to cover all the goings on here at St Luke's. You'll flex your journalistic muscle but covering events like the swimming carnival but also dig deeper to report the stories that usually go untold. You'll also see if you've got what it takes to be a graphic designer, editor and photojournalist. There's something for everyone.
Unit 2: Social Media Master
This one's for the tech savvy gossips. In this unit, you will use a variety of social media platforms and print media to communicate with the wider community. You will develop written and visual, digital and physical texts to appeal to a variety of audiences. Finally, an excuse to be on Facebook during class time!
Visual Arts
The Visual Arts is an exciting and vibrant learning area where students are encouraged to express their ideas, emotions and interests. In Years 7 to 10, projects are designed to build the students' self-confidence and problem solving skills as well as giving them a broad knowledge base of different studio area such as ceramics, painting and printmaking.
The Year 11 and 12 Visual Art Courses encourage innovation and ingenuity. Students are given the opportunity to work with both traditional and new mediums, basing their art works on a range of themes that are offered to them. Students will analyse and evaluate their own art works and the works of others from a range of historical and cultural viewpoints and develop an appreciation of the role of art in the community.
St Luke's College holds an annual Arts Evening to showcase the artistic talents of our students. This gives students the chance to set up their work for exhibition and appreciate the work of their fellow students in a formal atmosphere.