Subject Selection

The phase you are about to enter will bring both challenges and rewards. However, by seeking sound advice, making wise choices, and establishing good routines you will be helping yourself achieve your goals.

We encourage both parents and students to ask any questions they may have of the school in order to support them in making their decisions.

Year 10 Subject Selection for Year 11/12

Students entering Year 11 have five pathway options for the course completion of their WACE (West Australian Certificate of Education).

View Presentation for the Year 10 Information Evening.

Five Pathways to Success

  • University Bound
    • 1. ATAR – minimum five ATAR Courses
    • 2. Curtin Uni Ready – Uni Ready, ATAR English and four General Courses
    • 3. Cert IV– ATAR English and four General Courses
  • Industry Bound
    • 4. Cert II or above – Cert II. III, or IV, General Courses and one day work placement
    • 5. Work Place Learning – Six General Courses and one day a week work placement

Video on Year 11 Course Selection

Year 11 Course Selection Handbook


ViSN Online Learning Handbook 
