Parent Information Overview

Year 7 Information

Please see our Year 7 Information Booklet which covers the content that would have been addressed on the Wine and Cheese Night. The Year 7 Transition section of our website contains useful insights for parents and carers too.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Students will use their devices in class for a variety of tasks, and the devices must be fit for purpose and capable of carrying out these functions. Use requirements for a Year 8 student will be different from those of a Year 12 student.

St Luke's College requires that students choose a device that accords with the BYOD specification to ensure that their BYOD maximises their learning experiences.

Learn about BYOD

Year 10 Subject Selection for Year 11/12

Entering Year 11 is both an exciting and somewhat daunting time. Head to our Senior School Subject Selection page for all the resources that will help you decide on a pathway designed just for you. Students may be anxious about making decisions for their futures, but we assure you that with counselling from their teachers, the Careers Advisor, and the Deputy we will tailor a pathway best suited to their individual needs.


Youth Mental Health First Aid

If you feel that you need someone to talk to about things that may be impacting on your well-being, or your connectedness to school and friends, there are staff trained to assist you. See our current Mental Health First Aid teachers list.

Keeping Safe

The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum is divided into five documents. Each document relates to age or year level groups:

Communication Tree

Phone 08 9144 1081 and then follow our Communication Tree to who you require.

Late to School & College Bell Times

Students arriving late to school must sign in at the Administration office. Students will be given a late slip to hand to their class teacher.

Student appointments during school hours

Please ensure that students are aware of any appointments and provide them with a signed note, which is to be shown to their PCG and lesson teachers advising of their impending absence during that day. When it is time to leave for the appointment, the following will apply:

  1. If parents/guardians are not able to personally sign out their child, students must present this note at the Office as confirmation of the appointment and permission and sign themselves out.
  2. If parents/guardians are collecting their child from the office, they are asked to remind their child of any appointments they need to attend and request them to meet their parent(s) at the Administration office at a pre-arranged time so they can be signed out.
  3. If parents/guardians arrive at the College to sign out their child for an appointment they are unaware of, they will be provided with a notification slip to be presented to the teacher when they collect their child from class.
  4. Upon returning from an appointment, all students MUST sign back in at the Administration office before proceeding to class.

Parents delivering forgotten items to students

With regard to students forgetting assignments, money, lunches, sports clothes or equipment: If the student is aware of you dropping it off, you are welcome to leave it at the Administration office for them to pick up. If the student is not aware, parents / guardians can bring such items to school for their child; however, they MUST sign in at the Administration office upon arrival where they will be advised of their child's current class and provided with a notification slip to be presented to the teacher when they deliver the items to their child's class. Accordingly, parents/guardians are requested to sign out again before departing the College.

Absentee emails and phone calls

Parents are reminded that when sending an email regarding student absence to their child's PCG teacher, they need to inform the Office as well. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any concerns regarding these matters. We thank you in advance for your co-operation and understanding.

Online Absentee Form