Bus Information
Karratha and Dampier Surrounds Bus Service
TransRegional Bus service operates throughout the Karratha and Dampier surrounds.
Similar to Transperth, the Transregional bus service offers the same benefits and facilities to all customers. School Bus Timetables are available from the school Administration Office or alternatively via the TransRegional website
Bus Fares and Smartriders
As of 5 February 2024, students with a valid student SmartRider will be able to travel for FREE on Transperth and TransRegional services for any journey Monday - Friday, until the end of the school year. The fare for students without a smartrider is $1 each way.(correct money only). Students must tag on and off each journey to receive the free travel.
Smartrider cards are $5 each and can be purchased from the school administration office. Cards arrive at school approx. 1 week after ordering and students will be notified via SEQTA notices to collect.
Visit the Smartrider page for more information.
Point Samson/Wickham/Roebourne Bus Service
St Luke's College students residing in Point Samson/Wickham and Roebourne will need to complete an online application with the SBS School Bus services prior to commencing school.
The SBS bus service offers eligible students free travel to and from school subject to criteria. Smartriders are NOT required for this service, however students often use them for ID and getting around Karratha when in town.