Year 11 Excellence Awards
This year the College celebrated Year 11 & 12 academic achievements separately at different assemblies in front of parents, teachers, sponsors and the wider school community.
On Thursday 9th November, our newly elected 2024 Sports Captains, Reilly Hitching and Maka Murape, opened the assembly by welcoming everyone, followed by Acknowledgement of Country and our College Prayer.
Mr Correia provided another insightful Principal's address, although no tears this time! He began his address by sharing with us how little sleep he seems to be getting at the moment - being that his children are at "that age". As a parent, I remember it well.... where sleeping in your own bed alone is rare and waking numerous times a night is the norm. He spoke of lying in bed awake and uncomfortable, with a tiny foot in his face thinking he couldn't wait for when his children would sleep through the night - and in their own bed! How common are phrases like "I can't wait till they are in Primary school and have more independence"? How often do all of us wish away time like its not the most precious thing we have. Then he thought about how loved and appreciated he feels everyday when his children finally see his face as he walks in the door from work, his troubles just melt away. It's these moments that grow rare as children grow older, and it's these same moments we look back on fondly, wishing we had been more present, more appreciative and more loving!
The point he clearly made was, moments are so fleeting and before you know it, they're gone so we must learn to enjoy and appreciate being present. For our Year 11 cohort, (very soon to be Year 12's) next year is going to fly by so fast and the year will be jam packed full of lasts. Last school ball, last athletics carnivals, country week, camps, retreats.... it'll be the last time they will share every week day with their friends and favourite teachers. This time next year students will have graduated, some may have started a full time job or sitting WACE exams and most looking forward to leavers week. Mr Correia pressed that whilst that all seems very exciting, he implored students to be in every moment and don't wish this last year of college life away. He closed his address wishing all the Year 11's the best of luck in their exams and a safe holiday break. He looks forward to seeing everyone return in the new year ready and excited to begin 2024! .
Miss Caddick was invited onto the stage to present the ATAR Excellence Awards followed by Mrs Potter to announce the General Studies Excellence Awards. The recipients were as follows:
ATAR Physics ATAR Chemistry ATAR Mathematics Methods ATAR Mathematics Specialist ATAR Mathematics Application ATAR English ATAR Human Biology ATAR Physical Education Studies ATAR Health ATAR Drama |
Elijah Bruyns Elijah Bruyns Elijah Bruyns Elijah Bruyns Isla Archer Isaac Power / Esther Willett-Green Esther Willett-Green Esther Willett-Green Teniel Hadley Teniel Hadley |
General English General Mathematics General Religion General Health General Visual Arts General Food Science Technologies Certificate II Workplace Skills Certificate II Sports & Recreation Certificate II Outdoor Education Certificate IV Business & Leadership |
Alice Tunstead Caleb Byrne Isaac Power Cate Whelan Ava Faux Jeanine Matanguihan Koby Stafford Alice Tunstead Abbey Martin Zaliyah Green |
Directly following each of the subject announcements the Dux & Proxime's of 2023 for ATAR & General pathways were announced. The recipients were as follows:
ATAR Dux of 2023 | Elijah Bruyns | Industry Bound Dux of 2023 | Zaliyah Green |
ATAR Proxime of 2023 | Isaac Power | Industry Bound Proxime of 2023 | Alice Tunstead |
Mrs Potter went on to announce further awards in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) space as well as special awards recognising students who embody the values and uphold school spirit at St Lukes College. The recipients of these awards were as follows:
Overall Excellence in School Based Traineeship Award Excellence in Certificate IV Award Excellence in VET Award Sports Person of the Year Award Service & Leadership Award Senior Spirit of Youth Award Best All Round Achievement Award KEI Seek Truth and Justice Award |
Sponsored by Westug Sponsored by Regional Development Australia (RDA) Sponsored by Hon. Melissa Price, Federal Member for Durack Sponsored by Dampier Plumbing & Gas Sponsored by Kevin Michel MLA, Member for Pilbara Shield Donated by Lewandowski Family Sponsored by Westug Sponsored by Karratha Education Initiative (Woodside / North West Shelf Project) |
Alice Tunstead Zaliyah Green Tobie Oosthuizen Luke Tunstead Robyn Woods Hugh Carton Archie Freeguard Esther Willett-Green |
A huge congratulations to the 2023 award winners and well done to the whole cohort on completion of Year 11 at St Luke's college.
Mr Bradley and Mr Correia presented the Interschool Athletics team and the Lightening Carnival teams with their badges, with a large number of students who were recognised for representing the College across both sporting events. We are very proud of the growing talent amongst our school community, both in the athletics and physical education space. It is great to see and hopefully this means we will continue to represent and do well in all our 2024 events.
Mrs Gillespie then addressed the college to present a very special HaSS Award. Evelyn Small (Year 7) entered into a Australia-wide competition sponsored by a non-profit organisation called Mobile Muster. This organisation has been helping Australians recycle their mobile phones for 25 years, tackling the ongoing problem of electronic waste. Students could enter a photograph, drawing or short film that "Inspires recycling action" to go into the running to win some incredible prize money. Evelyn produced a creative drawing called "Recycle for a better world" and placed as a finalist in the Secondary Schools category earning herself $1000.00 in prize money! An amazing achievement, not only individually, but for our school and on a national level.
2023 has seen some amazing success in the classroom, on the sporting fields and within our college community. We are very excited for all that 2024 will bring.