Excellence Awards Assembly
On Wednesday 2 August 2023, St Luke's held an Excellence Awards Assembly. The Student Executive led us through assembly, opening with our school prayer before introducing Mr Correia to the stage for the Principals address. Mr Correia welcomed parents and students and spoke about his pride in the school, not only in the number of students receiving awards but about the positive behaviors and attitudes of students, parents and teachers in our school community. He spoke of last terms Busy Bee and the amazing turn out we had, witnessing students taking pride in their school grounds by picking up rubbish and how amazing the turn out was at Math-O-Mania on the weekend.
Mr Correia closed out his address highlighting to everyone to get their tickets to the Tribe Showcase on Friday 4 August.... and passively reminded people not to stay to the end of the showcase, in hopes the audience will miss his great coordination skills in the show finale, a performance by our teachers and staff! I've heard good things, so it's not to be missed!
Mr Beins kicked off the Awards, seeing as there were roughly 130 or more awards to present from Semester 1, including Country Week and Math-o-Mania results. Students across all year groups were recognised for their high achievements across all learning areas - with some students taking out multiple excellence awards within their year group.
Miss Caddick also addressed the school on a new initiative called "Minds on the Rise" commencing this term. Once a term 2 x students per subject area will be selected from nominations made by Teachers to enjoy a shared lunch & receive a certificate in recognition of their efforts. This initiative aims to encourage students to strive for their best, regardless of their academic ability. Every student has the opportunity to grow, develop and achieve greater results with consistent effort. This may look like students putting in extra effort by attending tutoring regularly, improving their grades, increasing their confidence and participating more and/or a major change in attitude and behavior.
Ms Tittums then presented a number of students with Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum badges for Christian Service Hours. A special mention was given to Emer O'Brien who's service is extremely beneficial to the community, and does not go unnoticed. Each and every student has the opportunity to achieve these badges and Ms Tittums hopes to see more students up on stage collecting theirs in the near future.
We are very proud of each and every award recipient. They have all shown great dedication and commitment to their school, studies and community, all achieving personal growth beyond success. It was so great to see all those smiling (and some serious) faces up on stage celebrating with the whole school.